Saturday, November 23, 2019
AP Spanish Literature and Culture LITERARY MOVEMENTS Essay Example
AP Spanish Literature and Culture LITERARY MOVEMENTS Essay Example AP Spanish Literature and Culture LITERARY MOVEMENTS Paper AP Spanish Literature and Culture LITERARY MOVEMENTS Paper and feminist literature vanguardismo avant-garde movements of literary experimentation; includes the surrealist movement (concerned with dreams and hallucinations); Pablo Neruda, Dragà ºn, Lorca teatro del absurdo with the belief that human existence has no meaning or purpose, these works are intentionally ridiculous, showing man in an illogical, incomprehensible world yet still carrying a meaningfull message; dialogue includes clichà ©s and word games; Dragà ºn Generacià ³n del 98 a group of novelists, poets, essayists, and philosophers active in Spain at the time of the Spanish-American War; criticism, ideals, creativity; included Miguel de Unamuno (religious themes), Antonio Machado (personal and universal themes) costumbrismo a literary interpretation of local everyday life and customs (19th century); romantic interest in extravagant expression + realistic, precise focus on a particular time and place; preceded (and led to) both Romanticism and Realism barroco a 17th-century cultural and artistic movement that was the evolution of ideas and themes formulated during the Spanish Renaissance; included culteranismo and conceptismo; Gà ³ngora and Quevedo in Spain + Sor Juana in Mexico romanticismo in response to neoclassicism, this movement focused on the beauty of imagination, the irregular nature of human spirit, and the natural world; Rima LIII (Bà ©cquer), En una tempestad (Heredia) Siglo de Oro period from 1942 (Christopher Columbus, end of Reconquista) to 1659 characterized by a flourishing in Spanish arts and literature that included romantecismo and barroco; Don Quijote, Garcilaso, Gà ³ngora, Quevedo neoclasicismo movement in which writers looked back to figures such as Garcilaso and Quevedo and were inspired by classical ideals; later prompted a negative reaction from romanticists, who were themselves criticized by realists
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